Updates + Happy birthday TTD + my awesome journey so far !
Sunday, March 24, 2013Hello lovelies! Its Sunday (By the time I publish this, it'll be sunday)
My week was a really really hectic one. Lots of projects and assignments due this week, presentations the following week (Monday & Tuesday) and more coming up on the week after next.
Once the presentations and projects are finally done, it will be time to mug for finals. Why Why WHYYYYYYY. Hahaha
#complaintsofastudent. Or maybe its only just SMU students? GAH.
Either way, I'm a survivor! Loooook its Sunday woohoooooo~
Despite falling sick, running a fever on and off the entire week and having lost even more weight :( Still, thank God for letting me pull through this insane week.
That having said, there's more to come and I know that this's only the tip of an iceberg. Perhaps I shouldn't even be complaining so much? Well.. Yep maybe ;/
The only things I look forward to are probably going for shoots, earning a little more keeps, meeting my friends and spending more time with Matt. Though there seems to be a lot less time for us to meet now. Hmm